Monday, August 7, 2017

Zimbabwe Map:

We are serving in the capital city - Harare.  The population is over two million people and growing! Our mission covers the entire country.  We have been asked to coordinate the seminary and institute programs for two large stakes:  Harare South Stake, with 11 units, and Marimba Park Stake with 9 units.

Zimbabwe is right above South Africa, and also bordered by Botswana, Zambia, and Mozambique.

Everything Started at the MTC:

The first thing we did was get our missionary badges.  So exciting!  And then we got to tour the new buildings and additions to the MTC.  Our apartments were like little hotel rooms, and the building was situated close to the cafeteria and bookstore.  They treat the senior couples really well!

For one of our classes they brought us to this huge mural of Moses being caught up into the mountain where he spoke with God face to face and got to behold His glory.  It is one of multiple very large murals in the new buildings.  We were asked us to spend some quiet time pondering on the meaning of this experience for Moses, and it's personal meaning to us.  (Moses chapter 1)

 This group became our District at the MTC.  (Left to Right)  Sister George was leaving to Guatemala to be the Area Mental Health Advisor; Sister Bown was headed to Australia to teach English to Chinese missionaries and to help in the office; the Griffiths were off to Milan, Italy to help with the office and MLS; The Theurers, our MTC teacher Sister Anderson, and the Bills, who would be handling Humanitarian Services for the South Pacific Region.  It was exciting to see people being sent to every corner of the world.

 This picture was on the wall in one of the halls at the MTC.  You can see that this is a picture of elders baptizing in Africa.  If you look carefully, you can see the men on the shore have axes and machetes ready as they are watching for crocodiles!  Fortunately that is not how they do it in Zimbabwe. 😉

We would like to include just a few of the NUGGETS  that we loved from our experience at the MTC:

* If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.

*The Lord only asks us to sacrifice that which is valuable to us.

*"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, "Wow, what a ride!"
(from Marjorie Pay Hinckley)

*The final judgment will be about who and what we have become.  It is our divine destiny to become like the Savior."

*We get the tender mercies so that we can recognize the reality of the Savior, but not so often that we don't have to exercise faith.

*If you don't know how to rescue, you won't be a very good God.

(The next few are all from a talk by Elder Bednar about the Character of Christ)

*Christ always turned outward.  There was no focus on self -- always others.

*A testimony is not enough.  You must be converted unto the Lord.  Conversion is consistently being true to what we know -- increasingly becoming a saint.  You don't get that because you want it.  You have to lose yourself and become more like Christ.

*The Atonement provides an increased capacity to do good and become better.

*Repentance is Re-Turning to God.  (We can substitute the word "turn" for repent).

*(His promise)  According to your desire and your diligence to study and adopt the character of Christ, you will be blessed with every spiritual gift that you need, now and in the future,  such that you will never fall away.

We love you all!!! 

We can be reached at:


  1. Loved hearing from you. I will email you guys soon. Jim Dooley

  2. I loved your blog. We so enjoyed getting to know you at the MTC, Have a great mission.
    the Meldrums

    1. Hi!
      You guys look wonderful. It was so fun to here from you. We hope Thailand is agreeing with you. We love the people here in Zimbabwe and hope we will be able to bless their lives as you have ours.
      Elder and Sister Theurer

  3. What a cool blog! I loved the picture of Moses and Sis. Hinckley's quote, and of coarse the pictures of you and your hubby were adorable. Thank you for sharing pieces of your adventure!
